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There are 352 thousand hirings planned by companies for the month of December and those expected for the entire December-February quarter rise to almost 1.3 million. Compared to a year ago, there was an increase of +7.0% (+23 thousand hires) in the month and +6.9% (+84 thousand hires) in the quarter. Tourism and trade companies are keeping the demand for work high, planning 70 thousand and 56 thousand entries respectively in the month, due to the approach of the Christmas holidays (+6.7% and +13.1% compared to the same period of 2022). There remains a high difficulty in finding which concerns 171 thousand profiles sought, equal to 48.5% of the total hirings, a value 3.3 percentage points higher than a year ago. The demand for immigrant workers increased by 18.2%, going from the 62 thousand profiles sought in December 2022 to the current 72 thousand (+11 thousand). 

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There are 430 thousand hirings scheduled by companies for the month of November and 1,3 million for the November-January quarter, with an increase compared to last year of +12.6% (+48 thousand hirings) in the month and +8, 4% (+101 thousand hires) in the quarter. The dynamics of tourism were especially positive with 66 thousand entries in the month (+14 thousand compared to 12 months ago; +28.3%) and of trade, with 68 thousand hirings in November (+8 thousand; +13.2%). The mismatch between job supply and demand affected 48.5% of hirings in November, a slightly lower level than the previous month, but up 2 percentage points compared to a year ago. The demand for immigrant workers increases more than the average (+21.1%) and concerns 88 thousand contracts scheduled in the month, equal to 20.5% of total revenue. 

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There are approximately 472 thousand entries scheduled by companies for the month of October and 1.2 million for the October-December quarter, with a slight decrease compared to the previous year of 1.2% in the month and 1.4% in the quarter, confirming the slowdown affecting the global and European economy. The difficulty in finding staff reported by companies, now of a structural nature, concerns 51.0% of planned hirings. Recriuting difficulty, which overall concerns 51.0% of personnel searches, reaches a peak of 66.3% for specialized workers and 53% for technical professions and for those qualified in commercial activities. The demand for foreign workers is also increasing with 99 thousand entries scheduled in the month (+11 thousand compared to the same period in 2022), equal to 21.0% of the total contracts. 

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There are 531 thousand workers sought by companies (with a fixed-term contract of more than one month or permanent) for the month of September, 7 thousand more (+1.3%) than planned a year ago. For the entire September-November 2023 quarter, expected hires slightly exceed 1.4 million, up 1.9% compared to the same period in 2022. It is large enterprises (with over 250 employees) and small companies (10-49 employees) that fully cover the overall increase in planned hires compared to 2022 (respectively, with +4.4 thousand and +4.3 thousand in the month and + 11 thousand and +12 thousand in the quarter); while smaller companies (1-9 employees) expect a decline in recruiting for September (-3 thousand).

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In August companies plan to activate 293 thousand employment contracts (fixed-term of more than one month or permanent contracts). Compared to August 2022, forecasts highlight 8 thousand more contracts, equal to +3.0%, while for the August-October quarter the forecast stands at 1.3 million hires, recording a decrease compared to last year (-0.7% with -9 thousand contracts). Difficulty in recruiting regards 47.5% of expected hires (around 6 points more than in August 2022). Corporate areas for which companies declare the greatest difficulty in finding personnel are those of installation and maintenance (64.2% of the profiles are difficult to find), design and Research & Development (61.2%) and information systems (52.9%). 

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Companies have planned around 585 thousand new hires in July (on fixed-term contracts lasting more than one month or on permanent contracts), reaching almost 1.5 million in the entire July-September trimester. The overall forecasts show a positive trend both compared to the month of July 2022 (+80 thousand hires) and to the quarter July-September 2022 (+197 thousand). In July, the difficulty encountered by companies in recruiting staff increased, involving 47.9% of the profiles sought, around 8 points more than in July 2022. The company area that has the greatest difficulty in finding personnel is "Installation and maintenance" area (63.3%), followed by "Design, research and development" area (61.6%) and "IT systems" area (55.3%). 

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Companies have planned around 568 thousand new hires in June (on fixed-term contracts lasting more than one month or on permanent contracts), reaching almost 1.4 million in the entire June-August trimester, with an increase of over 9 thousand units compared to June 2022 (+1.5%) and approximately 37 thousand units over the same quarter (+2.8%). In the month, tourism and manufacturing (respectively with over 7 thousand and 4 thousand hires more than a year ago) support the demand for labour. The forecast for permanent contracts is increasing (compared to June 2022 +12 thousand units; +14.8%), also as a result of the high difficulty in finding personnel, that stands at 46% (+6.8 pps on June 2022). 

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Around 467 thousand employment contracts (lasting more than one month or permanent contracts) are planned by companies in May and over 1.5 million for the May-July trimester, with an increase of 22 thousand compared to May 2022 (+5.1%) and of 16 thousand on the corresponding quarter (+1.1%). Industry plans 132 thousand entries in May, with a growth of 33.1% (+33 thousand contracts), while services are looking for around 335 thousand workers in May, with a decrease of -3.0% (-10 thousand entries), but the contribution of tourism is positive (+2.5%, +2,600 hires). In May 46.1% of personnel sought by companies is difficult to find (+7.8 p.p. compared to a year ago), mainly due to the lack of candidates. 

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443 thousand hires are planned by companies in April and over 1.5 million for the April-June trimester, with an increase in the demand for labour of around 76 thousand units compared to April 2022 (+20.6%) and 186 thousand units on the corresponding quarter (+13.5%). The greatest job opportunities are offered by the tourism with 108 thousand workers wanted in concomitance with the Easter holidays. At the territorial level, a higher growth in hiring is observed for the South and Islands (+36 thousand in April) and for the Central regions (+27 thousand in the month), thanks to the very favorable forecasts of tourism, personal services and transport and logistics in Toscana, Lazio, Campania and Sicilia. 

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Over 417 thousand hires are forecast by companies for the month of March and around 1.3 million for the entire March-May quarter, with an increase in the demand for labor of almost 59 thousand compared to March 2022 (+16.3%) and +143 thousand compared to the same trimester of 2022 (+12.6%). The demand for young workers is growing, passing from 101 thousand hires planned in March 2022 to 132 thousand expected for the current month. The demand for immigrant personnel is also increasing, reaching almost 79 thousand hires compared to just over 60 thousand in March 2022.

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