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430 thousand hirings expected by companies in November, +48 thousand compared to a year ago (+12.6%). The forecasts are positive especially for tourism and trade

There are 430 thousand hirings scheduled by companies for the month of November and 1,3 million for the November-January quarter, with an increase compared to last year of +12.6% (+48 thousand hirings) in the month and +8, 4% (+101 thousand hires) in the quarter. The dynamics of tourism were especially positive with 66 thousand entries in the month (+14 thousand compared to 12 months ago; +28.3%) and of trade, with 68 thousand hirings in November (+8 thousand; +13.2%). The mismatch between job supply and demand affected 48.5% of hirings in November, a slightly lower level than the previous month, but up 2 percentage points compared to a year ago. The demand for immigrant workers increases more than the average (+21.1%) and concerns 88 thousand contracts scheduled in the month, equal to 20.5% of total revenue. 

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