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408 thousand hirings expected by companies in February. The forecasts are positive for trade, tourism, personal services and construction; manufacturing is declining.

There are approximately 408 thousand hirings expected by companies for the month of February and 1.3 million for the February-April quarter, +22 thousand compared to February 2023 (+5.7%) and +114 thousand with reference to the entire quarter (+9.5%). In February the manufacturing industry is looking for 82 thousand workers and in the February-April quarter the expected hirings will be 245 thousand, declining compared to last year (-1.8% on the month and -0.4% on the quarter). However, construction continues to have a positive sign, with 50 thousand entries planned for the month (+3.5%) and 145 thousand in the quarter (+6.2%). But it is above all the services that determine the positive trend in hiring for February with around 276 thousand in the month (+8.6%) and 923 thousand in the quarter (+13.1%). The difficulty in finding it stands at 49.3% (+3.1 percentage points compared to a year ago).

More details can be found on link below
