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508 thousand hirings expected by companies in January. The forecasts are positive for trade, personal services and construction; tourism and manufacturing are declining

More than 508 thousand workers were sought by companies in January and around 1.4 million for the first quarter of the year. Over 4 thousand more hirings compared to January 2023 (+0.9%) and +69 thousand hirings (+5.3%) taking the entire quarter as a reference. Driving the demand for work are human services which plan 70 thousand hires in January (+10.0% compared to January 2023). This is followed by trade (68 thousand units; +13.7% on an annual basis) and construction (51 thousand units; +1.8%). The expected trend for tourism and manufacturing industries in January is negative (-12.1% and -2.3% respectively compared to the previous year). In January the mismatch between job supply and demand affected 250 thousand hirings of the 508 thousand planned (49.2%) mainly due to the lack of candidates (31.1%).
