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494 thousand hirings expected by companies in May (+5.8%) and 1.6 million by July

There are just under 494 thousand hiring contracts (lasting more than one month or for an indefinite period) planned by companies in May and almost 1.6 million for the May-July quarter, with an increase in job demand of around 27 thousand units compared to in May 2023 (+5.8%) and by almost 35 thousand units in the corresponding quarter (+2.2%). The industry as a whole plans more than 136 thousand hirings in the month and over 410 thousand in the quarter, with growth of 3.5% and 2.4% respectively compared to a year ago. Service companies are looking for 357 thousand workers in the month and around 1.2 million in the quarter, with increases of 6.7% and 2.2% respectively compared to the same period of 2023. The South and Islands the territorial area more dynamic with 140 thousand contracts expected (+11.9% on May 2023). In May, 48.2% of the professional profiles sought were difficult to find, equal to approximately 238 thousand job positions that companies are struggling to fill.

More details can be found on link below
