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352 thousand hirings expected by companies in December, +23 thousand compared to a year ago (+7%): positive expectations for trade and tourism

There are 352 thousand hirings planned by companies for the month of December and those expected for the entire December-February quarter rise to almost 1.3 million. Compared to a year ago, there was an increase of +7.0% (+23 thousand hires) in the month and +6.9% (+84 thousand hires) in the quarter. Tourism and trade companies are keeping the demand for work high, planning 70 thousand and 56 thousand entries respectively in the month, due to the approach of the Christmas holidays (+6.7% and +13.1% compared to the same period of 2022). There remains a high difficulty in finding which concerns 171 thousand profiles sought, equal to 48.5% of the total hirings, a value 3.3 percentage points higher than a year ago. The demand for immigrant workers increased by 18.2%, going from the 62 thousand profiles sought in December 2022 to the current 72 thousand (+11 thousand). 

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