Other tools

More details and additional informative tools regarding the demand for professional figures and skills on the part of Italian companies can be found at the following website (in Italian only): https://excelsior.unioncamere.net/.

These specifically include:


the Excelsior Information System renders monthly data available regarding the forecast employment needs of companies during the next quarter. The dashboard allows users to browse information about companies that are hiring and the professional profiles that they’re seeking.

Bulletins and statistics

published each month to disseminate the new forecast inflow by companies, along with the relative characteristics, at the national, regional and provincial levels.



  • Excelsior on line” allows users to consult and download the annual data regarding the inflow planned by companies at the national and provincial levels, creating custom tables by business sector, profession, and fields of study;
  • Professions” contains files summarising the main information on the relative characteristics derived from Excelsior for all of the various professions. Moreover, the application for consulting the data, created in collaboration with Unioncamere, is integrated into the Information System on professions, and constitutes the main Italian information source on professions for ISTAT and INAPP.


the Excelsior results are also disseminated through thematic volumes, which are published annually and contain insights on various issues, including digital skills and the Green Economy. Valuable information tools are also rendered available in order to provide young people with training guidance at various educational levels.