Companies expect approximately 456 thousand hires in the month of March 2025, which rise to approximately 1.4 million for the quarter March-May 2025. Entry forecasts in the service sectors are growing (+3.8% in the month), thanks in particular to the trends expected from tourism (+14.5% in the month) and operational services (+9.3% in the month). The monthly trend for the flows planned by construction companies is positive (+1.2% compared to March 2024). More uncertain indications from manufacturing companies which in March report a contraction in entries (-4.2%).
The share of difficult-to-find hires stands at 48.2% overall, mainly due to the lack of candidates to fill open job positions. The companies in the metallurgy and metal products sector are most affected by the mismatch, with 63.3% of the profiles sought being difficult to find.
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