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The employment forecasts for the current month indicate that there are 538 thousand workers sought by companies, with an increase of 7 thousand units compared to what was planned in September 2023 (+1.3%), while for the September-November 2024 quarter the expected hirings exceed just 1.4 million, remaining almost stable compared to the same period in 2023 (+0.1%).  Companies declare difficulties in finding over 254 thousand hires (47.2% of the total), especially due to the "lack of candidates" (30.4%). The professional groups with the highest mismatch are skilled workers (65.6% share of hard-to-find income), managers (61.4%) and technical professions (52.9%). 

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There are approximately 315 thousand hiring contracts scheduled by companies in August. The forecasts highlight a positive trend compared to the month of August 2023, with +22 thousand entries and a growth rate of +7.5%, and also for the August-October quarter the request stands at 1.3 million hirings, in increase compared to the same period in 2023 (+2.3% with +30 thousand contracts). The difficulty in finding the profiles sought by companies stands at 48.9%, confirming the "lack of candidates" as the main cause with a share of 32.4%, while "inadequate preparation" stands at 12.3%.

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Over 507 thousand job opportunities planned by companies in July and 1.3 million in the forecast quarter July-September, with a contraction in the demand for work of approximately 78 thousand contracts compared to July 2023 (-13.3%) and of -156 thousand for the corresponding quarter of 2023 (-10.6%). At a territorial level, over 24 thousand fewer hirings planned by companies in the Center and around 24 thousand less for the North East. The share of permanent contracts is increasing (to 18.1%, +1.5 p.p. compared to July 2023).

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There are approximately 566 thousand hirings planned by companies in June and they rise to almost 1.4 million in the June-August quarter, with an almost stable trend compared to June 2023 (-0.3%) and a slight increase on the corresponding quarter (+ 0.6%). During the month, the best dynamics were recorded by construction (+16.6%), trade (+10.5%) and advanced services (+11.5%). However, the manufacturing sector was down (-5.6%). In June, 47.6% of the profiles searched were difficult to find (+1.6 p.p. compared to the previous year). 

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There are just under 494 thousand hiring contracts (lasting more than one month or for an indefinite period) planned by companies in May and almost 1.6 million for the May-July quarter, with an increase in job demand of around 27 thousand units compared to in May 2023 (+5.8%) and by almost 35 thousand units in the corresponding quarter (+2.2%). The industry as a whole plans more than 136 thousand hirings in the month and over 410 thousand in the quarter, with growth of 3.5% and 2.4% respectively compared to a year ago. Service companies are looking for 357 thousand workers in the month and around 1.2 million in the quarter, with increases of 6.7% and 2.2% respectively compared to the same period of 2023. The South and Islands the territorial area more dynamic with 140 thousand contracts expected (+11.9% on May 2023). In May, 48.2% of the professional profiles sought were difficult to find, equal to approximately 238 thousand job positions that companies are struggling to fill.

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There are more than 446 thousand hiring contracts (lasting more than one month or permanent) planned by companies in April and over 1.5 million for the April-June quarter, with a slight increase of around 3 thousand units compared to April 2023 (+0.7%) and a decline of over 46 thousand units on the corresponding quarter (-3.0%). Small businesses with fewer than 50 employees plan 64.5% of the total hirings expected for the month of April, while medium-sized businesses in the 50-250 employee class plan 18.9% and medium-large businesses with over 250 employees the remaining 16.6%. In April, 47.8% of the staff sought by companies were difficult to find (in line with the values of the first months of 2024 and +2.6 p.p. compared to a year ago). The demand for immigrant workers is significant, amounting to around 88 thousand hirings scheduled in the month (19.8% of the total). 

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There are over 447 thousand contracts planned by companies in March 2024 and around 1.4 million are expected for the March-May quarter, with an increase of almost 30 thousand units compared to March 2023 (+7.1%) and around 112 thousand units on the same quarter 2023 (+8.7%). In particular, The forecasts in the service sectors (+16% in the month and +14.3% in the quarter) and commerce (+14.6% in the month and +17.2% in the quarter) are growing. The trend was also positive for flows planned by construction companies (+2.7% compared to March 2023 and +7.4% compared to the corresponding quarter), while the signals coming from manufacturing companies were more uncertain, reporting a contraction in March of hirings compared to the same month of 2023 (-1.6%). The difficulty in recruiting it stands at 47.8%, close to the levels reached in March 2023.

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Over 5.5 million hirings planned by companies in 2023, 330 thousand more than in 2022 (+6.4%) and almost 894 thousand more than in 2019 (+19.4%). The positive trend in employment in the private sector this year is due in particular to the driving effect of the tourism sector, which exceeds the 1.1 million expected hires (+160 thousand compared to 2022 and +291 thousand compared to 2019), trade, almost 749 thousand contracts (+77 thousand and +59 thousand respectively), construction (+40 thousand and +177 thousand, for a total of 549 thousand hires) and manufacturing industries (with 957 thousand entries, +22 thousand in 2022 and +103 thousand in 2019). The mismatch continues to increase for all profiles sought, standing at 45.1% of hires, up by 4.6 percentage points over 2022 and by 18.7 p.p. on 2019. For more than 8 out of 10 hires, candidates must have at least a secondary qualification: over 800 thousand contracts for profiles with tertiary education (degree or ITS Academy) and more than 3.5 million positions offered for professions with a technical-professional qualification and professional education and training.

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There are approximately 408 thousand hirings expected by companies for the month of February and 1.3 million for the February-April quarter, +22 thousand compared to February 2023 (+5.7%) and +114 thousand with reference to the entire quarter (+9.5%). In February the manufacturing industry is looking for 82 thousand workers and in the February-April quarter the expected hirings will be 245 thousand, declining compared to last year (-1.8% on the month and -0.4% on the quarter). However, construction continues to have a positive sign, with 50 thousand entries planned for the month (+3.5%) and 145 thousand in the quarter (+6.2%). But it is above all the services that determine the positive trend in hiring for February with around 276 thousand in the month (+8.6%) and 923 thousand in the quarter (+13.1%). The difficulty in finding it stands at 49.3% (+3.1 percentage points compared to a year ago).

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More than 508 thousand workers were sought by companies in January and around 1.4 million for the first quarter of the year. Over 4 thousand more hirings compared to January 2023 (+0.9%) and +69 thousand hirings (+5.3%) taking the entire quarter as a reference. Driving the demand for work are human services which plan 70 thousand hires in January (+10.0% compared to January 2023). This is followed by trade (68 thousand units; +13.7% on an annual basis) and construction (51 thousand units; +1.8%). The expected trend for tourism and manufacturing industries in January is negative (-12.1% and -2.3% respectively compared to the previous year). In January the mismatch between job supply and demand affected 250 thousand hirings of the 508 thousand planned (49.2%) mainly due to the lack of candidates (31.1%).