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585 thousand hires forecast in July and nearly 1.5 million by September. Two-thirds of hires from services and tourism.

Companies have planned around 585 thousand new hires in July (on fixed-term contracts lasting more than one month or on permanent contracts), reaching almost 1.5 million in the entire July-September trimester. The overall forecasts show a positive trend both compared to the month of July 2022 (+80 thousand hires) and to the quarter July-September 2022 (+197 thousand). In July, the difficulty encountered by companies in recruiting staff increased, involving 47.9% of the profiles sought, around 8 points more than in July 2022. The company area that has the greatest difficulty in finding personnel is "Installation and maintenance" area (63.3%), followed by "Design, research and development" area (61.6%) and "IT systems" area (55.3%). 

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