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467 thousand hires planned by companies in May and over 1.5 million by July. The difficulty of companies in recruiting concerns 46% of profiles sought

Around 467 thousand employment contracts (lasting more than one month or permanent contracts) are planned by companies in May and over 1.5 million for the May-July trimester, with an increase of 22 thousand compared to May 2022 (+5.1%) and of 16 thousand on the corresponding quarter (+1.1%). Industry plans 132 thousand entries in May, with a growth of 33.1% (+33 thousand contracts), while services are looking for around 335 thousand workers in May, with a decrease of -3.0% (-10 thousand entries), but the contribution of tourism is positive (+2.5%, +2,600 hires). In May 46.1% of personnel sought by companies is difficult to find (+7.8 p.p. compared to a year ago), mainly due to the lack of candidates. 

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