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382 thousand new hires forecast by companies in November. Almost 4 months are needed to identify the most difficult to recruit profiles on the market

382 thousand new hires are forecast by companies for the month of November and 1.2 million for the November-January trimester. The levels of demand for labour by companies remain higher than those recorded in the same period prior to Covid (+33 thousand compared to November 2019, +95 thousand compared to the trimester), more easily comparable to the current context, influenced by geopolitical uncertainties and dynamics linked to inflation. In fact, the decline recorded this month compared to the same period in 2021 (-82 thousand) reflects the “rebound" effect experienced last year which led to a 6.7% increase in the GDP.

The difficulty in recruiting that concerns 46.4% of the profiles sought, a value about 8 per cent higher than a year ago, is still growing. On average, it takes 3.9 months to find difficult-to-recruit candidates on the market.

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